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Java Spring Sıfırdan İleri Seviye Uzmanlık Eğitimi
Uygulama Geliştirme Eğitimleri
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Dünyanın en popüler geliştirme programlarından biri olan Java çatısı altında masaüstünden webe kadar birçok alanda güçlü uygulamalar geliştirebilirsin.

Devamını Oku
Seviye İleri
Eğitim Tarihi
Eğitim Türü Eğitim Süresi 40 Gün
Eğitim Saati 200 Saat
Seviye İleri
Eğitim Tarihi
Eğitim Süresi 40 Gün
Eğitim Saati 200 Saat
Hedefimiz en istekli öğrencileri seçerek, en iyi eğitmen ile buluşturmak ve uygulamalı eğitim anlayışı çerçevesinde güncel teknolojilere hakim mezunlar yetiştirerek yazılım dünyasına girmek isteyen herkese yol gösterebilmektir.
Kimler Katılabilir: Java yazılım alanında kendini geliştirmek isteyen herkes eğitime katılabilir. Herhangi bir yazılım bilgisi gerektirmemektedir.
40 gün (200 Saat)

Getting Started with Java

  • How to Get Java
    A First Java Program
    About Your First Java Program
    Compiling and Interpreting Applications
    The JDK Directory Structure


  • Objectives
    Running for the First Time
    Editors, Views, and Perspectives
    Creating a Project and Class
    Running a Java Application
    Debugging a Java Application
    Importing Existing Java Code

Datatypes and Variables

  • Objectives
    Primitive Datatypes
    Variable Names
    Numeric Literals
    Character Literals
    Strings and String Comparisons
    String API Documentation
    Immutable Strings
    String Literals
    More Arrays
    Non-Primitive Datatypes
    The Dot Operator

Operations and Expressions

  • Assignment Operator
    Arithmetic Operators
    Relational Operators
    Logical Operators
    Increment and Decrement Operators
    Operate-Assign Operators
    The Conditional Operator
    Operator Precedence
    Implicit Type Conversions
    The Cast Operator

Control Flow

  • Statements
    Conditional (if) Statements
    Adding an else if
    Conditional (switch) Statements
    while and do-while Loops
    for Loops
    Looping Through an Array
    Enhanced for Loop
    The continue Statement
    The break Statement


  • Methods
    Calling Methods
    Defining Methods
    Method Parameters

Object Oriented Programming

  • Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
    Classes and Objects
    Fields and Methods
    Access Control
    Demonstrating Polymorphism with Arrays
    Best Practices

Object and Classes

  • Objectives
    Opening the Examples in Eclipse
    Defining a Class
    Creating an Object
    Viewing Object Creation in the Debugger
    Instance Data and Class Data
    Using the final and this Keywords
    Avoiding Code Duplication
    Defining Constructors
    Calling Constructors
    Generating Constructors with Eclipse
    Access Modifiers

Collection Classes

  • The Collections Framework
    The Set Interface
    Set Implementation Classes
    The List Interface
    List Implementation Classes - ArrayList
    List Implementation Classes - LinkedList
    The Queue Interface
    Queue Implementation Classes
    The Map Interface
    Map Implementation Classes

Spring MVC Primer

  • Integrating Spring with Java EE Web Apps - ContextLoaderListener and WebApplicationContext
    Spring Web MVC Overview, Capabilities, Architecture (Front Controller, MVC Pattern)
    Spring MVC Basics the DispatcherServlet,
    Configuration using @EnableWebMvc
    Controllers, using @Controller, @RequestMapping (Handler Methods)
    Controller Details using @RequestMapping, @RequestParam and @PathVariable
    Model Data, @ModelAttribute, Model/ModelAndView Classes

Spring Boot

  • Application class
    Build as a Runnable jar
    Dependency injection, component scans, Configuration
    Externalize your configuration using or YAML files
    Context Root and Management ports

Building Web Applications in Spring Boot

  • Spring MVC Controllers
    Using ModelAttributes
    @RequestMapping and @RequestParam
    Using a ModelAndView
    Using images and templates for views
    Using an Embedded database with JdbcTemplate
    Executing Sql scripts
    Using a production database
    JPA Data and JPA Repositories

RESTful Web Services

  • REST Overview (Characteristics/Capabilities, URI Templates, REST vs SOAP
    REST and Spring MVC
    Spring support for REST
    @RequestMapping/@PathVariable, @RequestBody, @ResponseBody, HTTP Method conversion
    URI Templates and @PathVariable
    Writing RESTful Controllers / @RestController
    JSON Representations for Resources
    Message Converters
    Generating XML
    JAXB and Jackson Message Converters for XML
    JAXB / @XmlRootElement
    Content Negotiation
    Client Requirements and Spring's RestTemplate

Securing an Application with Spring Boot and Spring Security

  • Spring Security Overview using the DelegatingFilterChainProxy and FilterChainProxy
    Using Spring Web Authentication
    The key Classes of HttpSecurity, AuthenticationProvider, UserDetailsService, UserDetails, AuthenticationManager, Authentication and GrantedAuthorities
    Using your own AuthenticationProvider and UserDetailsService with hashed passwords and tokens
    Spring Security Authorization overview with the AccessDecisionManager and AccessDecisionVoters
    Authorization using @EnableGlobalMethodSecurity, JSR250 and Spring Security Annotations
    Using a @ControllerAdvice for ExceptionHandling
    Creating your own custom Authorization Voter and AccessControlManager
    Using HTTPS
    Securing a Restful service via a customized UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter

React JS

  • The Core of React
    Properties of React
    React Component Design
    React Component Lifecycle and Rendering
    Rendering Elements
    Components and Props
    State and Lifecycle
    Handling Events
    Lists and Keys
    Lifting State Up
    Higher-Order Components
    Optimizing Performance
    Introducing Hooks
    Using the State Hook
    Using the Effect Hook
    Rules of Hooks
    JSX Fundamentals
    React Web Component Samples
    React Router
    React Dev Tools
    Asynchronous setState
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